About us

C A M A S Y S was founded by pioneers in car rental, who have been operating on the market for over 35 years. We are not only technology enthusiasts but people who believe in the future of digital efficient mobility, which we transform through our system. We are part of a revolution in the car rental industry through innovative solutions and cutting-edge technologies. The world is changing and with it the concept of mobility and everything related to it. With a passion for excellence and a dedication to creating only the best, we create not only software solutions but also new strategies and business opportunities for customers. We provide tools for various industries that provide mobility. The basis is the need to succeed in today's competitive market.

Camasys is a comprehensive management system focused on the latest innovative trends. It offers a full range of solutions tailored to the unique needs of the car rental, car leasing and subscription industries. From dynamic pricing strategies to electronic documentation solutions, we provide the tools and resources needed to not only stay ahead of the competition, but also to outpace it and ultimately achieve success.


The ultimate solution for your fleet management


Our main goal is to develop future business models and strategies within the mobility sector.

We live in a time when we all understand the challenges that car parks, car dealers, leasing companies, car importers and even car factories are currently facing. That is why we are determined to provide comprehensive solutions that solve these challenges directly and help our clients navigate the ever-changing environment of the automotive industry.

We are already creating the future of individual transport today. We are clear on what we are creating future mobility on. Of course, we do everything in a way that is considerate of people and the planet we live on. Efficiency and profitability are the primary goals of the entire system.

Our commitment to excellence, innovation and customer satisfaction expresses us in the full essence of the idea. Contact us today and learn more about how Camasys can help move your mobility business to the highest level